Episode 37: Imposter Syndrome, Conversation with Craig Anderson
Today, Liz and Craig Anderson, founder and President of Clear Path Coaches discuss Imposter Syndrome *dun dun dunn*. Is imposter syndrome really a universal and human experience? If so, why is it so hard to deal with it? Why do high achievers and successful entrepreneurs still deal with the challenge of this common mindset issue, and where does it come from? Craig answers these questions and shares about his own journey of managing IS. Enjoy!
Imposter Syndrome is this constant feeling that you’re going to be found out, you’re going to be exposed, and you can’t see the confidence or competence in yourself - even when you receive feedback that proves you are.
Imposter Syndrome often equates to an insecurity of “I’m not enough.”
There’s a risk in taking the vulnerable step of asking for help because this comes with a fear of people finding out we don’t know what we’re doing or that we’re inadequate.
Positive feedback can be so hard to receive and believe for people with Imposter Syndrome.
There’s a misalignment between who people are putting out into the world and who they actually feel internally that they are.
The constant anxiety that comes with Imposter Syndrome is energy draining.
This anxiety stops people from committing or making decisions because they have such a deep fear that they’ll be wrong.
The first step to stopping the affects of Imposter Syndrome is taking a step back and building a case against what you think you are not bringing to the table.
You can start to change the Imposter Syndrome and push back on it when you bring in objectivity to the situation, understanding your value, and then really highlighting what your value is.
Imposter Syndrome is something you have to have self-awareness about and pay attention to because it will come flooding back when you least expect it to.
Imposter Syndrome is not an experience to be cured.
Check out Craig’s website.
Shoot Craig an email at craig@clearpathcoaches.com to get set up with his weekly trainings on leadership topics.
This podcast is not a substitute for therapy with a licensed provider.
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